Learn to know your anxiety attack symptoms.

Why is it important to know your anxiety attack symptoms, and what do i really mean by this?
As I see it, we have to know the reactions of our own body. Anxiety attack symptoms are the bodies
way to tell something is wrong. Physical reactions can very well be understood as a physical suffering, and often it is.
But to get help and treatment for the suffering you have to know why you are having this symptoms.

A lot of people have gone to a lot of medical doctors complaining about pain, breathing problems,
elevated heart rate and blood pressure, and other physical symptoms, and they need years to find out what their problems are.
It don´t have to be like that. millions of people are suffering from some kind of anxiety disorder,
and are having different anxiety symptoms without knowing that´s what they are dealing with.

Become a friend to yourself, ask your body what it is trying to tell, be your own best friend every day
and have a chat with the person you may be not want anybody else want to see. make this a habbit, and
when you are listening to yourself maybe you will find that it isn´t your physical part of yourself who are suffering but the psychic part.
For a lot of people out there it is unusual to talk about anything that goes with psychic problems.
The world is changing, it is no longer a shame to need therapy or have an anxiety disorder. All you need
to do is be listening to yourself, have respect for your own needs. It is important to get help and treatment
to stop the growth of the anxiety attack symptoms and get back to life without these symptoms.

Symptoms of Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety like any of the other Anxiety disorders is curable, but is best
if is caught in the early stages before it escalates out of hand.

Symptoms of social anxiety can include,
. Fear of a socially humiliating situation
. Fear of being embarrassed
. Feelings of incompetence
. Heightened feeling of self awareness
. Extreme anxiety
. Also can include Panic Attack symptoms

People suffering from Social Anxiety were often mistaken for being shy and
of a generally retiring disposition. This is because of all Anxiety Disorders Social Anxiety is a newer entry into the scene and as such has been overlooked for quite a few years.

This mistake about peoble being shy is in fact not the case at all. If you are a naturally shy person you will hesitate to put yourself forward in almost any situation but you won’t experience the sensations that accompany anxiety attacks.

On the other hand if you suffer from Social Anxiety it doesn’t necessarily
follow that you have to be shy and retiring. In fact you could be the oposite,
and be the person who is the life of the party and not feel a moment’s discomfort from being the center of attention. Social anxiety can unfortunately become a snare for your life where you are trapped and not be anle to live the social life you wish to, and you might end out of work for years or maybe forever.

Having symptoms of social anxiety your main fears will probably center around intense humiliation and being placed in embarrassing situations from which you’re unable to extricate yourself. And since either an anxiety attack or a panic attack will only draw such unwanted attention to yourself, you might even be fueled by a desire
to avoid such a situation and in extreme cases will cut yourself off from society entirely thereby taking you from Social Anxiety to Agoraphobia in an instant. As already mentioned, social anxiety is curable, and it is best to get the treatment you need in the early stages.
Suffering from an anxiety disorder is no picnic and if you suffer from any type of anxiety disorder you’ll know this. You’ll also know that the hardest step in curing your anxiety disorder is admitting it to yourself. Once you’ve managed this however, there are a number of options available for you to find a cure for your anxiety disorders. And until you do one of the best stop-gap methods to help you cope with your anxiety attacks is your own form of Anxiety Self Help.

What do I mean by that? Simply, that you can help yourself in the short term to cope with your anxiety attacks whilst deciding on a proper course of treatment to cure your anxiety. It’s not too difficult and can be accomplished without too much fuss or fanfare. Simple everyday things that you can incorporate into your daily life will become part of your anxiety self help routine.

One of the best methods is to keep a list of phone numbers of supportive friends and family on hand so you can call them in case of an imminent attack. Since you’ve come this far in admitting your problem and seeking help for it there’s a good chance that you’ll also have told some friends and family members so the phone list shouldn’t really be too hard. Something to remember when you do call anyone is that it’s best to talk about something other than your incipient panic or anxiety attack. Also don’t forget to ask the person beforehand whether they don’t mind being placed on your emergency phone list. It always helps to give them a heads-up so they don’t stumble onto any sensitive issues.

Another step in your anxiety self help routine is to learn some relaxation techniques. These can help you to de-stress yourself when you feel an attack coming on and can help you cope with your anxiety wonderfully easy when you learn how.

Breathing properly and in a meditative manner is another great must-do in the anxiety self help department and is one of the easiest methods available to you. You can do this anywhere and anytime that you feel a panic attack coming on. Proper breathing techniques can be learned through a variety of methods and can even be self learnt if you can find the correct documentation on it.

There are more great anxiety self help methods available though I’ve only mentioned a few here and you can try one or all of them to find out one that suits you, and that you can utilize when you feel a panic attack or an anxiety attack coming on. Remember though that these anxiety self help methods might not be able to cure your anxiety disorders and are only meant to help you cope with your anxiety attacks. For a cure, proper medical attention should be sought as soon as possible.

Anxiety Attack Symptoms

There are many people in the world who suffer from some form of anxiety and for these people these anxiety attacks may be mild or they could be very severe. While there are many ways of treating anxiety attacks, it’s first important to identify what your anxiety attack symptoms are.

There are the physical symptoms of anxiety attacks that manifest themselves in the form of headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, tingling, pale complexion, numbness, difficulty in breathing, and sensations of tightness in the chest, neck, shoulders and or hands. These reactions are the body’s fight-or-flight reaction which involves the hormones, muscles and the heart.

The behavioral anxiety attack symptoms include pacing, trembling, general restlessness, hyperventilation, pressured speech, wringing of the hands, and even finger tapping. Then the cognitive anxiety attack symptoms include recurrent or obsessive thoughts, feelings of doom, and morbid thoughts of death, confusion or the inability to concentrate.

The emotional anxiety attack symptoms can include feelings of tension or nervousness, feeling agitated, overwrought, and feelings of unreality, panic, or even terror. Then there are also the anxiety attack symptoms where the person’s brain puts up a defense mechanism against the anxiety attacks.

These psychological defenses include repressing anxious thoughts or ideas out of the conscious awareness. Another anxiety attack symptom is where the sufferer will transfer the source of their anxiety to an object or an event. Phobias are an example of this anxiety attack transference. Then there are the times that a person who suffers from anxiety attacks will rationalize their anxious feelings by claiming that ordinary people would feel the same way were they placed in the exact situation.

The other method that the brain will use as a defense against anxiety attacks manifests itself in the form of physical complaints and illnesses. In this case the anxiety attack symptoms involve recurrent headaches, an upset stomach, and muscle and joint pains.

Delusions are one other way of the brain trying to defend the sufferer from the anxiety attacks. For these anxiety attack symptoms the person can formulate conspiracy theories or other similar scenarios. This gives the person an emotional outlet for their feelings of anxiety.

t doesn’t really matter what form these symptoms show themselves in. What’s really important is once you identify that these are signs of anxiety attacks that you seek and receive help and treatment for this condition. By catching these anxiety attack symptoms early you have a chance to stop it progressing to a more severe condition like agoraphobia where you may become housebound due to your excessive anxiety attacks. So don’t delay if you feel that you suffer from anxiety attack symptoms, go see a qualified medical practitioner as soon as possible and get the proper help.

Anxiety Disorders: The Role of Psychotherapy in Effective Treatment

Anxiety Disorders:
Everyone feels anxious and under stress from time to time. Situations such as meeting tight deadlines, important social obligations or driving in heavy traffic, often bring about anxious feelings. Such mild anxiety may help make you alert and focused on facing threatening or challenging circumstances. On the other hand, anxiety disorders cause severe distress over a period of time and disrupt the lives of individuals suffering from them. The frequency and intensity of anxiety involved in these disorders is often debilitating. But fortunately, with proper and effective treatment, people suffering from anxiety disorders can lead normal lives.

Read more here.

An Anxious Life

Everyone is anxious. Everyone worries. But not everyone has to build their life around anxiety, avoidence syndrome, panic attacks, social dysfunction, anger, and depression. This Tribe is for my fellow persons who live their lives with Anxiety. All forms. All degrees. All ages, genders, races, religions, creeds, and afflictions. We need our own place to talk, support, and share our experiences, trials, and tribulations about life with anxiety. Here is a link to the article

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder which consists of the fear of experiencing a difficult or embarrassing situation from which you cannot escape. You get anxiety attacks, from being where your life is going along the normal path that you’ve set out when suddenly without any warning terror has you in its grip. As a result, severe sufferers of agoraphobia may become confined to their homes, experiencing difficulty traveling from this "safe place".

Agoraphobia is a condition which develops when a person begins to avoid spaces or situations associated with anxiety. Typical "phobic situations" might include driving, shopping, crowded places, traveling, standing in line, being alone, meetings and social gatherings. Agoraphobia is not what many seem to think, avoiding open spaces. The term agoraphobia has been widely misunderstood. Its literal definition suggests a fear of "open spaces".

Agoraphobia is a condition that develops gradually. In general it occurs after a panic attack. After the first attack you may subconsciously be preparing for another attack and fearing the symptoms that will leave you feeling helpless. This cycle of panic attack and impending panic attack can cause you to change your entire lifestyle just to avoid those feelings of terror. As panic attacks can occur anywhere at anytime, we generally associate the first place that we feel helpless as perhaps the reason for our terror.

Like panic disorder, agoraphobia is one of several anxiety disorders. Agoraphobia may occur with or without panic disorder, but it is most frequently seen with panic disorder. If treated quickly and properly, panic disorder may not progress to agoraphobia. Once the condition progresses, it is all the more difficult to treat.

An agoraphobia sufferer will go out of their way to avoid those places and situations where a panic attack and and anxiety symptoms may occur. They may even end up being housebound as they avoid being in crowded places. This unhealthy lifestyle can in itself trigger agoraphobic attacks to occur in everyday normal situations. The increased heart rate may also cause a panic attack because you may think that you’re having a heart attack.

As you can see this is a vicious and extremely debilitating mental condition. For sufferers of panic attacks they should seek the medical aid of doctors who specialize in these mental disorders and receive treatment before their panic attacks spiral into agoraphobia where they may end up being restricted in their lifestyle due to their ever increasing fear of being helpless in the face of a panic and anxiety attack.
