Learn to know your anxiety attack symptoms.

Why is it important to know your anxiety attack symptoms, and what do i really mean by this?
As I see it, we have to know the reactions of our own body. Anxiety attack symptoms are the bodies
way to tell something is wrong. Physical reactions can very well be understood as a physical suffering, and often it is.
But to get help and treatment for the suffering you have to know why you are having this symptoms.

A lot of people have gone to a lot of medical doctors complaining about pain, breathing problems,
elevated heart rate and blood pressure, and other physical symptoms, and they need years to find out what their problems are.
It don´t have to be like that. millions of people are suffering from some kind of anxiety disorder,
and are having different anxiety symptoms without knowing that´s what they are dealing with.

Become a friend to yourself, ask your body what it is trying to tell, be your own best friend every day
and have a chat with the person you may be not want anybody else want to see. make this a habbit, and
when you are listening to yourself maybe you will find that it isn´t your physical part of yourself who are suffering but the psychic part.
For a lot of people out there it is unusual to talk about anything that goes with psychic problems.
The world is changing, it is no longer a shame to need therapy or have an anxiety disorder. All you need
to do is be listening to yourself, have respect for your own needs. It is important to get help and treatment
to stop the growth of the anxiety attack symptoms and get back to life without these symptoms.