What Are The Causes Of Agoraphobia?

While the basic cause is a type of anxiety disorder,it is important to note that agoraphobia is by no means a hopeless situation. Agoraphobia arises from an internal anxiety condition that has become so intense that the suffering individual fears going anywhere or doing anything where these feelings of panic have repeatedly occurred before. Agoraphobia is most associated with being unable to get to a safe location, or the feeling of being exposed and unprotected. Very often is actually not a fear of certain places but a fear of having panic attacks in certain places, where escape would be difficult and/or embarrassing. Because of its literal definition ("fear of the marketplace"), agoraphobia is often associated with a fear of crowds or a fear of open spaces but it is much more than that. http://ezinearticles.com/?How-To-Overcome--Fear-Of-Open-Spaces&id=670268 and read more about anxiety attack symptoms here...